Spark Architecture

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1st Step:

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2nd Step:

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3rd Step:

sudo nano /hostname
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4th Step:

ip addr
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5th Step:

sudo nano /etc/hosts
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6th Step:

sudo reboot

7th Step:

$ sudo apt-get install software_properties_common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
$ java -version
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8th Step:

$ sudo apt-get install scala
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$ scala -version
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9th Step:

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client
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$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
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cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
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ssh-copy-id user@pd-master
ssh-copy-id user@pd-slave1
ssh-copy-id user@pd-slave2
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$ ssh slave01
$ ssh slave02
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10th Step:

$ wget
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$ tar xvf spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
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$ sudo mv spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7 /usr/local/spark
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$ sudo gedit~/.bashrc
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export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/spark/bin
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Note: this screenshot has a mistake, when you’re doing this don’t leave a space like I did. Just write “PATH=$PATH”.
$ source ~/.bashrc
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11th Step:

$ cd /usr/local/spark/conf
$ cp
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$ sudo vim
export SPARK_MASTER_HOST='<MASTER-IP>'export JAVA_HOME=<Path_of_JAVA_installation>
$ sudo nano slaves
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12th Step:

$ cd /usr/local/spark
$ ./sbin/
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$ ./sbin/

13th Step:

$ jps
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14th Step:

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Sign Up with Databricks Community Edition

You can Sign Up with Databricks free community edition from

With the Databricks free community edition, you need to declare some personal information along with the reason of using it. Once you submit it, you should see the following notification and wait for the Email.


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After filling in your information, Databricks will send to your provided email address and ask for verification


Launch the Databricks, Upload the Data, and Write Your First Script

Databrick Community Edition Sign-In: CLICK HERE

1. Provide your credentials with your specified username and password registered with Databricks. Success sign in should appear as below:

2. Initiate the new cluster. On the left-hand side, click ‘Clusters’, then specify the cluster name and Apache Spark and Python version. For simplicity, I will choose 4.3 (includes Apache Spark 2.4.5, Scala 2.11) by default. To check if the cluster is running, your specified cluster should be active and running under ‘interactive cluster’ section.


3. Go shopping for some sample dataset: Cars93 .

Home → Import & Explore Data → Drag File to Upload → Create Table in Notebook


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4. Run the following commands in the workspace environment. It’s a simple way to interact with data in the FileStore. To change languages within a cell:

  • %python – Allows you to execute Python code in the cell.
  • %r – Allows you to execute R code in the cell.
  • %scala – Allows you to execute Scala code in the cell.
  • %sql – Allows you to execute SQL statements in the cell.
  • sh – Allows you to execute Bash Shell commmands and code in the cell.
  • fs – Allows you to execute Databricks Filesystem commands in the cell.
  • md – Allows you to render Markdown syntax as formatted content in the cell.
  • run – Allows you to run another notebook from a cell in the current notebook.

To read more about magics see here.



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Basically, we can deploy Spark in a Hadoop cluster in three ways, such as standalone, YARN, and SIMR.

Some Intuition

In Spark, there are two modes to submit a job:

i) Client mode

(ii) Cluster mode.

Client mode: 

In the client mode, we have Spark installed in our local client machine, so the Driver program (which is the entry point to a Spark program) resides in the client machine i.e. we will have the SparkSession or SparkContext in the client machine.

Whenever we place any request like “spark-submit” to submit any job, the request goes to Resource Manager then the Resource Manager opens up the Application Master in any of the Worker nodes.

Note: I am skipping the detailed intermediate steps explained above here.

The Application Master launches the Executors (i.e. Containers in terms of Hadoop) and the jobs will be executed.

After the Executors are launched they start communicating directly with the Driver program i.e. SparkSession or SparkContext and the output will be directly returned to the client.

The drawback of Spark Client mode w.r.t YARN is that: The client machine needs to be available at all times whenever any job is running. You cannot submit your job and then turn off your laptop and leave from office until your job is finished. 😛

In this case, it won’t be able to give the output as the connection between Driver and Executors will be broken.

Cluster Mode: 

The only difference in this mode is that Spark is installed in the cluster, not in the local machine. Whenever we place any request like “spark-submit” to submit any job, the request goes to Resource Manager then the Resource Manager opens up the Application Master in any of the Worker nodes.

Now, the Application Master will launch the Driver Program (which will be having the SparkSession/SparkContext) in the Worker node.

That means, in cluster mode the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. Whereas in client mode, the driver runs in the client machine, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.


Here, I have explained how Spark Driver and Executor works


Integrate Spark with YARN (General Procedure)

To communicate with the YARN Resource Manager, Spark needs to be aware of your Hadoop configuration. This is done via the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable. The SPARK_HOME variable is not mandatory but is useful when submitting Spark jobs from the command line.

  • Edit the “bashrc” file and add the following lines:

export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/<path of hadoop dir>/etc/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/<path of hadoop dir>/etc/hadoop
export SPARK_HOME=/<path of spark dir>
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<path of hadoop dir>/lib/native:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  • Restart your session by logging out and logging in again.
  • Rename the spark default template config file:
    mv $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf.template $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
  • Edit $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf and set spark.master to yarn:
    spark.master yarn

Copy all jars of Spark from $SPARK_HOME/jars to hdfs so that it can be shared among all the worker nodes:

hdfs dfs -put *.jar /user/spark/share/lib

Add/modify the following parameters in spark-default.conf:

spark.master yarn
spark.yarn.jars hdfs://hmaster:9000/user/spark/share/lib/*.jar
spark.executor.memory 1g
spark.driver.memory 512m 512m


Option 1 

If you have Hadoop already installed on your cluster and want to run spark on YARN it’s very easy:

Step 1: Find the YARN Master node (i.e. which runs the Resource Manager). The following steps are to be performed on the master node only.

Step 2: Download the Spark tgz package and extract it somewhere.

Step 3: Define these environment variables, in .bashrc for example:

# Spark variables
export YARN_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
export SPARK_HOME=<extracted_spark_package>

Step 4: Run your spark job using the --master option to yarn-client or yarn-master:

spark-submit \
--master yarn-client \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaSparkPi \
$SPARK_HOME/lib/spark-examples-1.5.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar \

This particular example uses a pre-compiled example job which comes with the Spark installation.


Option 2